Wednesday, 11 January 2012

I Am Alive!

No, not me. I am still a mindless zombie.
Talking about the much anticipated game "I Am Alive" about to be released on the XBoX and the PS3, no PC release yet unfortunately. This game really differs from Fallout and other post-apocalyptic games in such that you don't get loads of weapons and items to use throughout the game, and instead have to rely on very scarse resources, which really emmphasizes the survival theme of the game.You will not face zombies or monsters but people like you, in desperate need of supplies like water, and must do anything in order to live on.
Here's the trailer from the announcement in 2008, the others just weren't as good

And this brings us to the end of the world. Will it happen? Don't know. Will it be awesome? Most likely.


  1. Zombies, zombies everywhere D:

  2. Was the initial scene a cut-scene or will gameplay actually look like that? I wonder if this will be a puzzle oriented inFamous sort of game. Also why don't these people find a lake?

  3. EPIC trailer :D wait for more :]

  4. thats obvioulsy a cut scene pre rendered no game looks like that now. anyway cool blog following

  5. I wont be picking this up if there is no pc release, have just got bored of my consoles for games

  6. hmm.. this looks surprisingly good

  7. Still praying for a zombie apocalypse...

  8. I need guns. sadly won't survive in a zombie apocalypse. Maybe if they were slow zombies lol

  9. Looks cool... but I think I will Like Fallout better. This game is too close to home. Fallout is another reality, This game seems like it could actually happen.

  10. whenever I see alive in big letters I think still alive and then of the orange box. Was the cake even a lie?

  11. great little trailer /swoon ^^ +following x

  12. I have just come across this blog post, it’s really awesome just appreciating the time and hours spent writing this post. Thumbs up to the writer
